Tuesday, November 15, 2011

[Revit API]– Revit Remote Boot - A technique to run an API add-in on a particular Revit model without user interaction

At last years Autodesk University, someone mentioned that they were looking for a way to run an export on their model once a day, on a schedule. This is not something that the Revit API is generally used for, but it  got me thinking of ways that I could make it happen. While flying around the USA after AU I hacked together some prototype code which did just this, but left it shelved. For my AU 2011 virtual class, I decided to finish it off and make it public, in case someone else wants to use it.
The program is called ‘Revit Remote Boot’, and is really more of a ‘system’ than a program, there are a number of moving parts to make it all happen. Put simply, it is a couple of interacting programs that allow you to perform an operation on a Revit model from a script.
Take a look at this video, which is a small part of my AU Virtual class, for a full demonstration of what it does. Note that while it talks about using Revit Server to create a local model, if you are running just a pure file server, this is fine as well – you could just directly open the file. It’s just that running Revit Server opens up some interesting possibilities and was the topic of my AU presentation.

Revit Remote Boot Demonstration from Rod Howarth
(you should head to the Vimeo page and watch it in high definition there to read the text)
Basically your application can save an xml file in a certain directory, which ads a ‘job’ to the queue. Then, using the RevitServerToolCommand, you can, from a batch file, create a local copy of the Revit Model you want to work on, and open it in Revit. From there, a Revit API add-in will detect that you’ve opened a model that corresponds to a job, and will run the other Revit API add-in that was specified in the job file. After this is done, the job is marked complete, and Revit is closed.
In my example, I’ve done a simple export to DWF of the model, the idea being you could set this up to run at 1am every night, and export the DWF model to a certain location – perhaps for viewing in Design Review on mobile devices. However, you could use it for any Revit API add-in. For instance, you could have a high powered server which you setup as a local Revit Server just purely to run this Revit Remote Boot. On this server you could create a job to run a structural analysis add-in, or other computationally expensive stuff. This way you can setup your own “cloud”, running Revit directly. You could also run certain audits on a model, for example, you could create an add-in that counts the number of warnings present in the model and saves this to a database, for displaying in a ‘hall of shame’ on your company intranet. Smile
This is highly experimental, and has some pitfalls, so should be considered as a proof of concept, rather than a production ready program. The main pitfall is that any errors that come up are shown as dialog boxes, and there is no easy way to deal with this in Revit. To get around this I’ve used AutoHotKey (http://www.autohotkey.com/) to detect certain dialogs and close them, but if there are unexpected ones, it will fall over.
If you are interested in the code behind this, check it out here: https://github.com/RodH257/RevitRemoteBoot you can use the ‘zip’ button there to download it if you don’t have git.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, and whether you think Autodesk should work towards making this kind of thing easier to do?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

[General Dev]–How to push to two Git remote locations at once

Now that BitBucket supports Git, I’ve been utilizing both GitHub and BitBucket for my project hosting, and have been looking into migrating to BitBucket for my private repositories (as they are free). This is part of the beauty of using a distributed version control system, you can have your code in multiple locations, rather than one central Subversion server.
In Git, I could add two remotes and each time I want to push/pull code I would type something like:
git push github master
git push bitbucket master
However, I want to make things as easy as possible for myself, and I’m simply using these two repositories as a mirror of each other, so I’ll be telling git to push to multiple URL’s with the same remote.
To do this, I need to edit the .git/config file for my project. You can navigate here via the command line, or in Windows you can turn on hidden file display and open the .git folder in Windows Explorer
In this file, I’ve already added one of my remotes using the git remote add command, as you can see here:
To make it push to BitBucket at the same time as GitHub, you simply duplicate this URL line and add the BitBucket URL to it
Then if you do a git push origin master (where master is name of your branch), you will see it will push to these URLs in succession:
Unfortunately if you have a password protected ssh key it will still ask twice for your password.
Now each time you push to your origin remote, you’ll be taking full advantage of gits distributed nature, and will have two remote copies of your code.

Monday, October 3, 2011

[Revit]– HTML Version of the Silverlight Revit Server Administrator Tool

If you’ve used Revit Server Before, you might recognize this:


It’s the Revit Server Administrator Tool which you access by going to http://servername/revitserveradmin it lets you see what Revit Server projects you have present, what files are stored in them, and their version history. It also lets you create, move, copy, delete or lock files and folders.

It’s a vital tool for anyone who runs a Revit Server, and it generally works well, but it has one problem – it’s written in Silverlight. Whatever your opinion on Silverlight may be, it requires an extra installation and won’t run on any mobile devices. This is where the Revit Server API comes in. Using this REST API, I was able to recreate this website in HTML and Javascript. The result looks like this:


As my main motivation for this was to give the Revit Server REST API a run through, I’ve not made it absolutely the same, there are some minor visual and functional differences, but for the most part, it behaves in the same way. All of the action buttons are functional, you can see a submission history and folder structure.

For the moment, the main limitations are:

  • When you create or paste a folder, the treeview on the left gets recreated and starts collapsed again. This is fixable, and if there is interest, I’ll polish this up (probably by replacing the treeview library with a new one)
  • The submission history isn’t paged or sortable, its just a table with all the information in it. This should be fixable as well.

I’m interested to hear if anyone is genuinely interested in using this tool in their environment, if so, I’ll keep improving it, if not, then it will serve as a demonstration of the Revit Server API’s capabilities, and will form a part of my AU Virtual session this year.

The website is available on Github, to install it on your server simply download the zip file from that site, and create a folder called ‘html’ in ‘C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit Server 2012\Sites\RevitServerAdmin’ on the machine you have Revit Server installed. Put all the files in there, and you should be able to navigate to http://localhost/RevitServeradmin/html/ to access it.

For those interested in the technical details, the page is simple HTML (it’s named Default.aspx even though it isn’t an ASP.NET web page, it’s named this way because this allows us to access it by going to /html/ instead of /html/default.htm), with a CSS stylesheet and some images to replicate the interface of the Silverlight tool. The real work happens in the RevitServer.js file, which, with the help of Jquery, calls the REST web service for each of the various actions that the user performs, and updates the DOM with the results. There is no server side ASP.NET code involved, it’s all Javascript with the Revit Server REST API doing the heavy lifting.

Of course, if you want to use the Revit Server API, you don’t need to use Javascript, you could write a similar thing in C# or VB code and service up in an ASP.NET web page, or just about any language you like as long as they can make HTTP Requests.

If you want to know more about how it all works, or more about the Revit Server API, I’ll be going into more detail in my AU 2011 Virtual session.

Friday, September 30, 2011

[Revit Server]– How to get a listing of all Revit Server projects through the REST interface

I’ve been writing some code that utilizes the Revit Server REST API, and in particular, I’m working on a HTML replacement for the Revit Server Admin page, which is currently written in Silverlight. More details on that will come (and will be included in my AU virtual class), but for now I ran into a bit of a stumbling block that others may encounter.

The REST API has an endpoint that lets you list the contents of a certain folder. This endpoint requires a GET request to the path ‘/{folderpath}/contents’ with folderpath being the path of your folder, for example a request to ‘/My_Project/contents’ would list the contents of the My_Project folder. But how do you find out that there is a My_Project folder in the first place? You need to get a listing of all of the folders underneath the parent folder on the server, but how would you do that? You can’t send you request to ‘/contents’, as you are missing the folder path section, and thus it’s not a valid endpoint according to the API. I tried a number of different combinations of URL’s before I finally found one that seems to work.

To get a listing of all the folders underneath the parent folder, send your GET request to:

‘/ /contents’

That is, use a space instead of a folder path, like so:

http://localhost/RevitServerAdminRESTService/AdminRESTService.svc/ /contents”

This will be treated as if it is the root folder, and will list the folders underneath that.

[Revit]– Autodesk University 2011 Virtual Class: Automating Autodesk Revit Server

The Autodesk University conference in Las Vegas is approaching us once again. I’ve had the great privilege of presenting at this event for the past two years on topics concerning the Revit API. At this stage it doesn’t look like I’ll be making the trip from Australia this year to attend the physical conference, but that hasn’t stopped me from being involved virtually! I’ve been accepted to present a class on “Automating Autodesk Revit Server”.  Here is the class description:

Class Description

The latest version of Revit Server offers a number of automation capabilities, from locking files and creating directories to generating a new local file for a Revit central model. This class will explore these options and consider some scenarios where they can be leveraged along with existing Microsoft® Windows® and Revit APIs to perform time-saving tasks. A number of examples will be showcased, including how to create a HTML replacement for the Silverlight® admin tool, how to create a Revit Server folder from an existing system, and how it is possible to have a scheduled task that runs once a day, creates a local file, opens it, and exports the model to a DWF™ without user interaction.

Key Learning

  • Explain how Revit server automation can be integrated into existing software processes
  • Describe the REST interface to Revit Server
  • Combine the Revit Server command line and the Revit API to perform a task in a Revit model on a schedule
  • Use the supplied command line utilities to automate Revit Server

The idea for this class came about when I was playing around with Revit Server and noticed that there is a document on the REST API in the Revit SDK. I had a few ideas for interesting things to do with this API, and Revit Server in general, and what better motivation to put them into action than the pressure of presenting an AU class on the topic :)

Virtual classes only go for 45 minutes, so the code will mostly be read through and explained rather than written live, but I’ll have a bunch of code available for download and in the handout.

If you are interested in Revit Server, be sure to check it out! If you aren’t, but are interested in Revit API development, check out the various other Revit API classes that will be a part of the event, the Revit API team have once again put together a great curriculum to help you get as much API knowledge as you can out of AU.

Monday, August 22, 2011

[Revit API]–How to create an installer for your Revit Addins

Often I see Revit API utilities distributed with instructions to copy manifest files around and put the files in a certain directory (I’ve done it myself in the past), which works fine, but there is a more user friendly way of setting up your addins. You can use Visual Studios ‘Setup Project’ functions to create an installer, which isn’t the pretties installer going around, but it gets the job done.
Doing this is a little harder than you’d think, there’s a few gotchas, so this post aims to step you through it.
Add a new project to your solution, under ‘Other Project Types’, ‘Setup and Deployment’ choose ‘Setup Project’.
You’ll see a view like this, delete ‘Users Desktop’, ‘User Programs Menu’
Right click on Application folder and go to add > project output. Choose the Addin project.
Right click on application folder again, go to properties and change the DefaultLocation to be:
This is so that it will always be in a consistent install location, rather than program files (x86).
Now, we don’t want to distribute RevitAPI and RevitAPIUI dlls, so in the solution explorer, expand detected dependencies and right click on those and click exclude.
Click on the installer project, then click the properties tab, and set the ‘Manufacturer’ and ‘ProductName’ to match your company/addin name. Also, while you are here, change the ‘TargetPlatform’ to X64. Unfortunately with these types of installers you need a separate install for X86 and X64, but I think most of you will be building API addins for X64 systems, as Revit generally needs at least 4gb of RAM, and if you are enough of a power user to be installing add-ins, you are going to be running a 64bit operating system I’m sure. But keep in mind that it may vary for you.
We need to create a .addin manifest file that points to the program files folder as follows, make sure you generate a new GUID.
  <AddIn Type="Command">
    <Text>My Revit Util</Text>
    <Assembly>C:\Program Files\COMPANY NAME\PRODUCT NAME\Addin.dll</Assembly>
  <VendorId>COMP </VendorId>
     <VendorDescription>MY COMPANY </VendorDescription>  

In The primary output screen, add a new custom folder, called Autodesk Addins. Right click on it and go to properties and set the DefaultLocation to
and Property to AUTODESKADDINS
This will install it for all users. Right click in the middle panel and go to add file, and choose your manifest.
At this point you’re almost done, there’s just a couple of .NET settings to tweak. First of all, we don’t need to bundle an installer for .NET framework as Revit installs it by default, so right click on your installer project, go to properties and hit prerequisites
Then untick the first checkbox
Finally, right click on your project, click View > Launch Conditions, click .NET framework and change it to .NET Framework 4 (or lower if you are in Revit 2011 mode still).
Now you are done, you can right click your project and go to Build and your .msi installer will be output.

Monday, August 1, 2011

[WPF]–How to select checkbox of items in ListBox by clicking text

In WPF, you can create a checked list box by creating a normal ListBox and using an ItemTemplate as follows:
<ListBox Margin="10" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Name="lbSheets" 
              VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Width="Auto" Grid.Row="1" MinWidth="321"
              MinHeight="40" HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" 
              ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ListBoxItemTemplate}" VerticalContentAlignment="Top" Background="#FFDCEBEE" SelectionMode="Single" SelectionChanged="lbSheets_SelectionChanged">

<DataTemplate x:Key="ListBoxItemTemplate" >
         <CheckBox Focusable="False" IsChecked="{Binding Selected}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
         <ContentPresenter  Content="{Binding FullName, Mode=OneTime}"  Margin="2,0" />

In my example, I am then binding a domain model object that implements INotifyPropertyChanged, and I have a boolean property for Selected, when the checkbox is checked, it will toggle this value, and vice versa. The text that is displayed is from a property called ‘FullName’, as specified in the DataTemplate.

However, I wanted to be able to check the checkboxes by clicking on the text next to them, not by pinpointing the check box. I tried a number of ways of doing this before finally arriving at a solution.
I ended up suing the ‘MouseUp’ event on the ContentPresenter from my DataTemplate
<DataTemplate x:Key="ListBoxItemTemplate" >
          <CheckBox Focusable="False" IsChecked="{Binding Selected}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
          <ContentPresenter  Content="{Binding FullName, Mode=OneTime}"  Margin="2,0" MouseUp="ContentPresenter_MouseUp" />
And in this method I did the following:
private void ContentPresenter_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    string text = ((TextBlock) e.OriginalSource).Text;
    foreach (var item in this.lbSheets.Items)
        PrintableSheet sheetItem = (PrintableSheet) item;
        if (sheetItem.FullName.Equals(text))
            sheetItem.Selected = !sheetItem.Selected;
I used the OriginalSource proprety from the event arguments to get the TextBlock, I used its text, and matched it up with my domain object (PrintableSheet) using the property that was bound. So now when you click the text on the item, it will toggle the checkbox.

Friday, July 15, 2011

[General]– ‘Convoy’ iPhone app now live on the App Store

It’s been a bit quiet around here for a while – I apologize for the lack of posts. I’ve been busy working on a number of things that have sapped all of my time. Firstly, I created the iPhone apps for the Revit Technology Conference, these were proposed in the 11th hour, so they were fairly simple – but were well received.

My next mobile project has been under development for a number of months now, and I’m proud to say that it is now live on the iOS app store. The project is called ‘Convoy’, and is an iPhone application designed to make driving in a ‘convoy’ a less stressful experience. Over the years I’ve come across a number of situations where myself and a group of people would be heading somewhere, be it one of Queensland’s great beaches, or a theme park, or a friends house, and someone will know the way, so everyone will try to follow them. Inevitably the group breaks up, and it becomes a stressful game of phone tag to try and organize everyone. Convoy aims to solve this.

Check out this promo video for an in depth explanation of the problem and how it solves it:
Convoy Promo Video

Basically, the application lets you create a new Convoy on our server, which will give you a unique code to give to your friends. They enter the code into their devices and they are then presented by a map which updates ever 5 seconds with the locations of your peers. Additionally, you can then communicate with everyone in the Convoy at once using the quick communication buttons. There is a button two identify a location to pull over for a pit stop, and a button to indicate hazards. You simply tap on the map where you want to indicate, and this location is shown on everyones screens. If you need to send a more detailed message, there is a group messaging feature.

The app is currently completely free. I’ve got plans to make a ‘lite’, advertising supported version in which you can only join Convoys but not create them, and then charge a small amount for the current, full version – so get in quick and grab it while it’s free.

You can check out the website for the app at ConvoyApp.net, or see it live on the iTunes app store. For fellow Android fans, I’ve got an Android version in the works, stay tuned.

For those interested in the technical details, I’ll make a post soon outlining the various libraries and web services that I used for this app and my experiences with them. But briefly, the back end uses NodeJS (hosted on Heroku), MongoDB (hosted on MongoHQ) and Amazon S3 (for icon storage). I’ve used a bunch of great open source Objective C libraries as well which I look forward to writing about. 

Let me know what you think, if you have an suggestions I’d love to hear them, my email address is listed HERE.

PS, I would have loved to have licensed the Convoy song for the video, but it wasn’t to be :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

[Revit] Running a local Revit Server on Windows 7 safely–free utility

Autodesk Revit Server is a product that comes bundled with Revit 2011 and 2012. It provides a way for you to better coordinate Revit access over a wide area network by hosting your central model in Revit Server and connecting your Revit to that instead of opening a .rvt file on a network drive. This is particularly useful for companies with multiple offices, as Revit Server allows you to setup a ‘central’ server and ‘local’ servers are different locations. Saves to the Local servers are done over a LAN, and the local server then synchronizes the model back to the central server in an optimized fashion. Thus providing an alternative to expensive WAN optimization devices such as those provided by Riverbed.

One usage instance that many people are interested in, is having a local Revit server instance installed on their laptop for when they work remotely. That way saves to central over a VPN are done quickly, and Revit Server will synchronize the model back to the office in the background. The problem is, Revit Server only supports Windows Server 2008 R2, which is very expensive. However there is a way around this, you can, unofficially install Revit Server on your Windows 7 computer. I’ve had success in getting this setup, and so has Dave Baldacchino from the blog Do U Revit. Check out his post on the topic and read the ‘setup’ section for instructions on how you can get it running. There is some danger in this approach, as Robert from the blog ‘Don’t think: Do Revit’ warns, that shutting the server down while it is still trying to synchronize back to the central server can cause some issues.

This is a problem, as Revit Server has no inbuilt way to tell when it is synchronizing. To solve this issue, I’ve created a small utility that sits in your system tray, and tells you when Revit Server is communicating with anyone. I call it ‘Revit Server Monitor’


You run the program, and minimize it to your computers tray. You will then see a green arrow to indicate that the Revit Server is not currently communicating with anyone.


Or if any sort of communication is in progress, you will see a red arrow.


So if there is a red arrow, don’t shut your computer down. Wait for a green arrow to be safe.

This works by reading port 808, which is the primary port that Revit Server uses to communicate. Using the WinPCap utility, my code can monitor traffic on this port, if it detects any, it will show the red signal. If there has been no traffic on that port for 5 seconds, the signal will turn green. You can download the tool from here. To set it up, you must first install WinPCap, which is included in the zip, and then just run the RevitServerMonitor exe (perhaps add it to your computers startup folder as well so you don’t forget to run it). The program itself requires .NET 3.5 to run, but if you have Revit installed you will have that installed as well. If you are a little worried about having software that monitors packets running on your PC, feel free to browse the source code here, it’s fairly simple!

If you are running a Revit Server on your Windows PC, do try it and let me know how it goes, I’m not guaranteeing it will prevent model corruption but I’d love to hear your feedback on how well it worked.

Download the software here.

View the source code here.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

[Revit API] How to allow add-ins to be loaded off a network drive, in code

I previously posted about how in Revit 2012, you can no longer store your add-ins on a network drive, unless you edit the revit.exe.config. This is a bit of a pain if you have to go to each users machine and edit this file individually, especially given that if you make a typo, your Revit won’t open.

Here’s how to do this edit in C# code, so if you make an installation utility to run on your users computers, you can add this bit of code in to do the changes for you.

Configuration revitExeConfig = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(
      @"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit Structure 2012\Program\Revit.exe");
ConfigurationSection section = revitExeConfig.GetSection("runtime");
string xml = section.SectionInformation.GetRawXml();
if (!xml.Contains("<loadFromRemoteSources enabled=\"true\" />"))
    xml = xml.Replace("<runtime>", "<runtime> \r\n <loadFromRemoteSources enabled=\"true\" />");


Of course, I’ve hard coded in Revit Structure 2012 here as Revit installation to edit. You could change this to the installation that suits yours, or alternatively you could use the RevitAddinUtility.dll that ships with Revit. If you add a reference to that to your project you can then get the install location of all Revit products using:

foreach (RevitProduct product in RevitProductUtility.GetAllInstalledRevitProducts())
    //no point editing the Revit 2011 exe config files
    if (product.Version == RevitVersion.Revit2012)
        string productLocation = product.InstallLocation + "program\\revit.exe";


If you put that all together with the above code you can do something like:

public void EditExeConfigs()
    foreach (RevitProduct product in RevitProductUtility.GetAllInstalledRevitProducts())
        //no point editing the Revit 2011 exe config files
        if (product.Version == RevitVersion.Revit2012)
            string productLocation = product.InstallLocation + "program\\revit.exe";
            Configuration revitExeConfig = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(productLocation);
            ConfigurationSection section = revitExeConfig.GetSection("runtime");
            string xml = section.SectionInformation.GetRawXml();
            if (!xml.Contains("<loadFromRemoteSources enabled=\"true\" />"))
                xml = xml.Replace("<runtime>", "<runtime> \r\n <loadFromRemoteSources enabled=\"true\" />");

Which will edit the exe.config file for all 3 Revit products if they are installed, or do nothing if they aren’t.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

[General Dev]–Using Git with an SVN server

Git is a great version control system, one which has many benefits over Subversion. However, many companies may already have existing Subversion setups that they are reluctant to move away from. In our office we use VisualSVN server and the TeamCity continuous integration server, and while we could migrate fully to Git, I don’t want to make the jump just yet, as I’m the only Git convert here – for now.
Enter Git SVN. Git SVN allows you to use a local git repository with a remote subversion server. This means that you can initialize git and commit like crazy, and then when you are ready to share your changes with the rest of your team, you synchronize them with the Subversion server.
This is not without its pitfalls – they are two very different version control systems, so if you are doing complex things with them, you may run into some troubles. However where I work we have small teams, and many of my projects are done solely by me, so Git SVN works out great for us, as the main reason for pushing the code to the Subversion server is so that it’s backed up and easily retrieved in the future.
I’ve run into a few issues at times with setting this up, so I thought that I’d create a quick guide for how I am now doing it on new projects.
First of all, I create my subversion repository in VisualSVN.
I like to setup the standard SVN directory structure, and Git SVN can accommodate this.
I then open a git bash at the parent folder of where my project will go (or where it currently is – this still works if you’ve already created your solution/folders, as long as they are named the same, or you move the files).
run the command ‘git svn clone –s URL’ where URL is the path to your subversion server. I’ve found that this must be in all lowercase. The –s tag specifies that you are using the standard SVN directory structure – emit this if you didn’t create it when you setup your repository.
This command will then check out your subversion repository into a directory of the same name as the repository – it will either create this, or use an existing one if it has the same name.
Next, make sure your .gitignore file is setup in the directory and then cd into it with ‘cd REPOSITORY_NAME’. Git status will show you the current files ready to be checked in.
Then you should be able to do your first git commit
Now your local git repository is up to date – so you are doing version control, and you can go along like this checking in regularly, then when it’s time to send the commits to the server, use ‘git svn dcommit’
Then you are all up to date! You can also use ‘git svn fetch’ to to a svn update from the server if others on your team have committed.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

[Revit API]– Running your add-ins from a network drive in Revit 2012

In previous years our office has run our add-ins directly off a network drive. I’ve placed the DLL files in a network directory, and then installed the .addin manifest file on each users computer that points to these DLL’s. This way when I update the add-ins I only need to update one location and the users simply need to reboot Revit.

To get this to work, I just had to run caspol.exe on each machine to make their machines trust that certain location, for example:
echo y|C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\caspol.exe -cg LocalIntranet_Zone FullTrust 
echo y|C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\caspol.exe -m -ag 1.2 -url file://L:\* FullTrust

However in upgrading the add-ins to Revit 2012, this method did not work. The add-ins simply would not load, and in the journal file I was seeing this error:
Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:35015:Plotting.PLT"
' 0:< DBG_WARN: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///L:\Plotting.dll' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515): line 171 of AddIn\AddInItem.cpp. 

This was when my assemblies were compiled in .NET 4 and the same error occurred after I recompiled them in .NET 3.5. I had a feeling that it might have something to do with the changes in security that were introduced with .NET 4, but the fact that it happened to .NET 3.5 dll’s as well was odd.
Turns out there’s a fix for it, which is a little bit of a pain, your user needs to update their revit.exe.config file in the Revit program directory (C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit Structure 2012\Program) and make the following change:

look for the <runtime> tag, and just after it’s opening, put:
<loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true" />
making it:
  <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true" />
  <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>

The add-ins should then run correctly. This is however a bit of a pain, I’ll have to incorporate this into an installation tool. I’d love to hear of a better solution to this problem if anyone knows of one, however for now, this will work around it.

Thanks to this post for helping to point me in the right direction.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

[Revit]–Where have the journal files gone in Revit 2012?

If you’ve made the jump to Revit 2012, you may have noticed that there is a new directory structure in the program files dir.


There is no longer a journals folder. So where has it gone? The answer is that It appears to have been moved to the AppData directory.

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit Structure 2012\Journals

Replace the uername with your username, and also enter the correct Revit vertical you are using.

[General-Dev]– Mapping integer Enums in Fluent NHibernate

For those of you that don’t know, Fluent NHibernate is a great project for anyone that uses NHibernate in their .NET development. Instead of creating Hibernate XML files for your mappings (yuck), you can use a strongly typed, 'fluent’ syntax in C# code.  An example mapping for a class would look something like:

   1: Table("Staff");
   2: Id(x => x.Id).Column("Id").GeneratedBy.Native();
   3: Map(x => x.LastSaved);
   4: Map(x => x.FirstName);
   5: Map(x => x.LastName);
   6: References(x => x.SalaryInfo, "SalaryInfoId");

I recently converted some mapping files of my own over from hibernate XML to Fluent NHibernate and came across one gotcha worth mentioning. In my project, I had some Enums as properties. Say for example EmploySection enum might have EmploySection.Administration, EmploySection.Structural, EmploySection.Civil as options. My database had these mapped as integers previously, and NHibernate would take this mapping and cast the enum as an integer and save it to the database.

By default, Fluent NHIbernate does this differently, it uses a string to save the enum value to the database. This caused some issues as I had existing data which needed to read these fields, so I wanted to tell NHibernate how to do this.

The solution is to add ‘.CustomType(typeof(int))’ to the end of your mapping, for example:

   1: Map(x => x.EmploySection).CustomType(typeof(int));
This fixed the problem for me. Also something to note, is that if you get exceptions in your mappings, take a look deeper into the exception as often a cryptic error may hide a more detailed NHibernate error underneath.